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In high school in Maine or know someone who is?


Welcome to the Maine CTE Portal – your gateway to the future! Discover how Maine’s network of 27 Career & Technical Education (CTE) schools can ignite your passion and launch you into a thriving career.

Free to Maine high school students, education at a Maine CTE Centers offers hands-on, immersive programs that go beyond the classroom.


Our nationally recognized courses equip students with the skills and knowledge needed for both academic success and real-world career opportunities. Whether you're aiming to jumpstart your career or continue your education, Maine CTE is where your journey begins!

Maine CTE Enrollment Continues to Climb!

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Enrollment in Maine Middle School CTE Exploratory Programs

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Maine CTE News


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Centers serve different areas & high schools.

Use the map below or view in list format.

Visit their website. See what they offer.

Schedule a tour and explore!

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Have Questions about Career and Technical Education across Maine?



Constantly Evolving.
Spirited Innovation.
Connected to Modern Business.
Opening Doors to Your Future.
Image by Scott Webb

Built Into Your Education

Free to Maine High School Students!

Early Exploration

Many CTE Schools Feature Pre-Tech Programs for Grades 9-10

Lifelong Learning

Robust Adult Education Opportunities


Hands-On. High Tech. Earn Free and Reduced College Credit. Study with Pro Mentors. Earn Pro Certifications.

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Image by Albert Bleeker

Guidance. Support. Training.

16 Career Clusters, representing 79 Career Pathways help learners navigate their way to greater success in high school and into their future.

What interests you?

Why is CTE an incredible learning path?

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