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27 CTE

List View

List view of Maine CTE Centers


Center Name


Main Phone Number

Areas / Schools Served

Logos are linked to Center websites

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Bath Regional Career and Technical Center

800 High Street
Bath, ME 04530


Morse High School, Boothbay Region High School, Lincoln Academy, Wiscasset Middle High School, Home School

Biddeford Regional Center of Technology

10 Maplewood Avenue
Biddeford, ME 04005


Biddeford, Kennebunk, Old Orchard Beach, Thornton Academy, Massebesic High School, Home School

Capital Area Technical Center

7 Pierce Dr, Augusta, ME 04330


Cony, Erskine Academy, Gardiner Area High School, Hall-Dale High School, Maranacook Community High School, Monmouth Academy, Richmond High School, Winthrop High School, Home School

Caribou Technology Center

308 Sweden Street, Suite 1
Caribou, ME 04736


Ashland, CHS, EHS, FFHS, PIHS, WDHS, Home School

Coastal Washington County Institute of Technology

291 Court Street
Machias, ME 04654


Jonesport Beals High School, Machias Memorial High School, Narraguagus Jr/Sr High School and Washington Academy, Home School

Foster Technology Center

129 Seamon Road
Farmington, ME 04938


Mount Blue High School, Spruce Mr. High School, Mt. Abram High School, Rangely lakes High School, Day Mt. Regional Middle School, Mt. Blue Middle School

Hancock County Technical Center

112 Boggy Brook Road
Ellsworth, ME 04605


Hancock County schools and Home School

Lake Region Vocational Center

1879 Roosevelt Trail
Naples, ME 04055


Lake Region High School, Sacopee Valley High School, Fryeburg Academy, Home School

Lewiston Regional Technical Center

156 East Avenue
Lewiston, ME 04240


Edward Little, Leavitt Area, Lewiston, Lisbon, Oak Hill, Poland Regional, Home School

Mid-Maine Technical Center

3 Brooklyn Avenue
Waterville, ME 04901


Lawrence, Messalonskee, Waterville, and Winslow, Home School

Portland Arts & Technology High School

196 Allen Avenue
Portland, ME 04103


Bonny Eagle, Deering, Gray-New Gloucester, Scarborough, Windham

Cape Elizabeth, Falmouth, Greely, South Portland, Yarmouth

Casco Bay, Gorham, Portland, Westbrook, Home School

Presque Isle Regional Career and Technical Center

79 Blake Street
Presque Isle, ME 04769

Ashland Community High School, Caribou High School, Central Aroostook High School, Easton High School, Fort Fairfield High School, Presque Isle High School, Washburn District High School

Region 10 Technical High School

68 Church Road
Brunswick, ME 04011


Brunswick HS, TREK, Brunswick Jr HS, Freeport HS, Freeport Middle School, Durham Community School, Mt. Ararat HS, Mt. Ararat Middle School, Morse HS, Home School

Region 11, Oxford Hills Technical High School

PO Box 313
Norway, ME 04268


Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School, Buckfield High School, Home School

Region 3, Northern Penobscot Technical Center

35 West Broadway
Lincoln, ME 04457


Lee Academy, Mattanawcook Academy, Penobscot Valley, Schenck, Stearns, Home School

Region 4, United Technologies Center

200 Hogan Road
Bangor, ME 04401



Alton, Clifton, Hampden, Old Town, Amherst, Corinth, Hermon, Orono, Argyle, Costigan, Holden, Orrington, Aurora, Dedham, Hudson, Osborn, Bangor, Eddington, Indian Island, Otis, Bradford, Frankfort, Kenduskeag, Stetson, Bradley, Glenburn, Levant, Stillwater, Brewer, Great Pond, Milford, Veazie, Cardville, Greenbush, Newburgh, Winterport, Carmel, Greenfield, Olamon.

Sending Schools

Bangor High School Hermon High School, Brewer High School, Old Town High School, Central High School (Corinth), Orono High School, Hampden High School, Bangor Christian, John Bapst High School, Penobscot Christian, Home School.

Region 7, Waldo County Technical Center

1022 Waterville Road
Waldo, ME 04915


Belfast High School, Mt. View High School, Searsport District High School, the Ecology Learning Center, Maine Ocean School, Home School

Region 8, Mid-Coast School of Technology

1 Main St, Rockland, ME 04841


Camden Hills Regional HS, Islesboro Central School, Medomak Valley HS, North Haven Community, Oceanside High School, St. George MSU, Vinalhaven School, Home School

Region 9 School of Applied Technology

377 River Road
Mexico, ME 04257


Dirigo, Mountain Valley, Telstar, Home School

Region Two School of Applied Technology

5 Bird Street Houlton, ME 04730


East Grand, Hodgdon, Houlton, Katahdin, Southern Aroostook Community, Home School

Saint Croix Regional Technical Center

34 Blue Devil Hill, Suite 1
Calais, ME 04619


Calais, Woodland, Shead, Home School

Saint John Valley Technology Center

431 US Rt 1, PO Box 509
Frenchville, ME 04745


CHS, MHS, WHS, Home School

Sanford Regional Technical Center

100 Alumni Blvd
Sanfordd, ME 04073


Kennebunk High School, Marshwood High School, Massabesic High School, Noble High School, Sanford High School, Traip Academy, Wells High School, York High School, Home School

Somerset Career and Technical Center

61 Academy Circle
Skowhegan, ME 04976


SAD #13, serving the towns of Bingham, Carratunk, Moscow, The Forks Plantation, West Forks Plantation; SAD #53, serving towns of Pittsfield, Burnham, Detroit; SAD #54, serving the towns of Skowhegan, Canaan, Cornville, Mercer, Norridgewock, Smithfield; SAD #59, serving the towns of Athens, Brighton Plantation, Madison, Starks; SAD #74, serving the towns of Anson, Embden, New Portland, North Anson, and Solon

Tri-County Technical Center

14 Abbott Hill Road
Dexter, ME 04930


Dexter Regional High School, Foxcroft Academy, Nokomis Regional High, Piscataquis Community Secondary School, Penquis Valley High School, Greenville Consolidated School

Van Buren Regional Technology Center

169 Main Street, Suite 102
Van Buren, ME 04785


Van Buren High School, Home School

Westbrook Regional Vocational Center

125 Stroudwater Street
Westbrook, ME 04092


Bonny Eagle*, Cape Elizabeth, Gorham*, Gray-New Gloucester, Greely, Scarborough*, South Portland, Westbrook*, Windham*, Yarmouth, Home School.   *primary sending schools

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